Payment Info
We use PayPal as our checkout processor. You can choose to pay using your PayPal account, if you have one, or using your credit or debit card if you prefer this method. You will be taken to the PayPal website to select your preferred payment method and can then complete the transaction. Once payment is completed and processed, you will receive a transaction number for your payment. There are more instructions to help you on the checkout page. PayPal is the faster, safer way to send money, more secure way to pay online, and your financial details are never shared.
Should you require an item urgently on a Friday, please call us direct before 12.00pm to place your order on 01832 736782 as our offices close earlier on this day and we want to ensure that you receive your order in time for your requirements.
Please note we cannot accept American Express Card Payments.
On your statement the payment made will show as our sister company KatzDancewearLTD